Through Legal Vocational Evaluation Services we provide Transferable Skills Analyses, Forensic Vocational Evaluations, a variety of Vocational Assessments/Evaluations, Employability Assessments and Labour Market Surveys.
Forensic Vocational Evaluations and Vocational Assessments/Evaluations are used to provide admissible evidence in a court of law. Vocational Evaluators are asked to provide an unbiased and objective opinion.
They may be asked to provide an opinion regarding appropriate alternate employment, earning capacity, return to work barriers, and/or make recommendations to overcome such barriers. In instances of divorce, we offer imputing income assessment to determine earning capacity.
Our credentialed Vocational Evaluators understand the importance of working within our scope of practice, utilizing a defensible and clear methodology as well as the importance of providing a vocational opinion that is based on extensive labour market research and data.
Legal Vocational Evaluation services are available either through comprehensive file review, in-person or virtually. Virtual evaluations are conducted in compliance with the Vocational Evaluators, Career and Transition Assessment Specialists (VECAP) guidelines and adhering to the College of Vocational Rehabilitation Associations Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and the American Counselling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics (section: F.7.a.).